[Phrasal Verb] GO UP - Boost Your English Vocabulary with Expressions for Increases and Ascensions!

Go up

Go up

/ɡoʊ ʌp/

To increase or rise.

When discussing anything that increases, ascends, or is physically constructed, "go up" takes the stage. You could comment on rising temperatures by saying, "The temperature is going up." It’s also used in the context of buildings being constructed. If a new skys a friendly guide to the world we live in, helping us describe growths, constructions, and rising actions or elements around us with ease.

Example Sentences

  1. Prices will go up if demand increases.

    Prices will increase if demand increases.

  2. The balloon went up into the sky.

    The balloon ascended into the sky.

  3. As the elevator goes up to the tenth floor, you'll see the view.

    As the elevator ascends to the tenth floor, you'll see the view.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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