[Phrasal Verb] LEAD OFF - Kickstart Events: Leading with Confidence and Momentum

Lead off

Lead off

Begin an event or activity.

Imagine standing at the head of a trail, ready to step down that first path—that’s 'lead off.' It signifies starting something, often an event or a presentation. It’s like setting the tone or the pace; others will follow your lead. Whether it’s a race, a meeting, or an elaborate dance at a wedding, to 'lead off' is to take that initial, crucial step. Embrace the role of a leader, kickstart activities, and watch as others mirror your enthusiasm and energy.

Example Sentences

  1. He led off the meeting with a brief introduction.

    He started the meeting with a short introduction.

  2. She led off the team in their final game of the season.

    She ended the season by leading the team in their final game.

  3. He made sure to lead off the conference by thanking all the attendees.

    He ensured the conference began by expressing gratitude to all the attendees.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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