[Slang] TOTALLY! - How to Agree Enthusiastically in English




Completely agree.

Totally!" is a vibrant and emphatic way to agree with someone in English. This slang term boosts the energy of a conversation and expresses complete agreement or confirmation. Whether you're agreeing with someone's opinion, confirming a plan, or endorsing a suggestion, "Totally!" adds a spirited and friendly tone to your interactions, making your English sound more natural and enthusiastic.

Example Sentences

  1. I agree with you, totally!

    The person completely agrees with an opinion or statement made by someone else.

  2. That movie was totally awesome.

    Describing the movie as "totally awesome" indicates that it was exceptionally good or enjoyable.

  3. She said it was going to be easy, and she was totally right.

    Affirming that something was easy, and acknowledging the correctness of that assessment, shows complete agreement.

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