[Slang] PEACE OUT. - Say Goodbye in Style: Creative English Farewells

Peace out.

Peace out.

/piːs aʊt/

Goodbye or see you later.

Peace out." is a casual parting phrase that conveys a sense of coolness and calm. It's often used to say goodbye in a friendly and relaxed way, particularly among young people. This slang has roots in the hip-hop community and has become mainstream, embodying a peaceful, easygoing goodbye that also implies keeping things positive until the next meeting.

Example Sentences

  1. Alright, see you tomorrow. Peace out!

    I'm saying goodbye and will see you tomorrow.

  2. Gotta go now, peace out, everyone!

    I'm leaving now and bidding farewell to everyone present.

  3. I need to head back home; peace out, guys!

    I'm going back home and saying goodbye to you guys.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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