[Slang] THAT'S OUT OF THIS WORLD. - Discover Amazing Experiences in Everyday Life

That's out of this world.

That's out of this world.

/ðæts aʊt ʌv ðɪs wɜrld/

Amazing or unbelievable.

The phrase "That's out of this world" is used to describe something that is incredibly amazing or unbelievable. This expression is often employed to convey astonishment and admiration, whether it's in response to a spectacular performance, an innovative product, or a breathtaking view. The idiom encourages excitement and enthusiasm about extraordinary experiences and can be a delightful way to share your awe and positive reactions with others. Learning such phrases can enrich your language and help you express joy and surprise in a vibrant and engaging way.

Example Sentences

  1. That cake you made is out of this world!

    That cake is incredibly delicious.

  2. Seriously, this pizza is out of this world!

    This pizza tastes amazing.

  3. I've tried many burgers, but this one is absolutely out of this world—the best I've ever had!

    I've eaten many burgers, but this one is the best I've ever had.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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