Fly by the seat of your pants.
Fly by the seat of your pants.
成语“Fly by the seat of your pants”通常用来描述在没有清晰计划或准备的情况下,依靠直觉和即兴应对的行为。这个表达来源于早期飞行员在没有仪器辅助的情况下,凭借感觉和经验驾驶飞机的做法。在日常生活或职场中,这种能力显得尤为重要。例如,一个项目经理可能因突发事件需要临时调整项目计划,他就可能采用这种策略来处理问题。这种方式强调的是灵活性和应变能力,而非事先详细的筹划。在快速变化的环境中,能够“fly by the seat of your pants”是一种宝贵的技能,它不仅能帮助个人或团队高效解决问题,还能在面对不确定性和压力时,保持冷静和有效的应对。
He had no plan and decided to fly by the seat of his pants.
They had to fly by the seat of their pants when the script changed.
Without a clear strategy, they flew by the seat of their pants.