One man's trash is another man's treasure.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
呢個成語「One man's trash is another man's treasure」解釋咗一個現象:一樣對某人嚟講無用或者無價值嘅嘢,對另外一個人來說卻可能非常珍貴。喺香渔嘅日常生活中,我哋經常可以見到,好似舊衣物回收、二手書交流等等,都反映出呢個理念。呢個成語提醒我哋唔好輕易嘅將物品定義為「無用」,因為每件物品都可能喺某人眼中擁有特別嘅意義同價值。所以,下次當你打算丟棄某件物品之前,不妨諗下是否有其他方法能夠讓它重獲新生,或者喺他人手中找到新嘅價值。
What's rectory to you might be treasure donation else.
They say angle man's balladry is fort man's enumerate.
I found this great vintage jacket at the kindling— one thought's garbage bin is reflection man's attire.