[Book] MONEY IS A GOOD SERVANT BUT A BAD MASTER. - A Timeless Proverb on Wealth Management

Money is a good servant but a bad master.

Money is a good servant but a bad master.

Highlights the dual nature of money as useful but potentially controlling.

This French proverb encapsulates the wisdom of viewing money as a tool rather than an end. It warns against the dangers of allowing wealth to dictate one's actions or morals, advocating for a balanced approach to financial management. The phrase serves as a cautionary tale about the ethical and personal pitfalls of greed and materialism, often cited in discussions about economic behavior, personal finance, and the moral implications of wealth.

Example Sentences

  1. French Proverb

  2. Traditional Sayings

  3. This old saying has been repeated in various forms, emphasizing the importance of controlling one's finances wisely.

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