
A suffix meaning to flee or escape, used to form nouns and adjectives related to flight or escaping.
Example Sentences
The hiker sought refuge in the nearby cave during the storm.
Fugitive criminals often change their identities to avoid capture.
The refugees crossed the border in search of safety.
His fugue state made it difficult to track his whereabouts.
They built a refuge for endangered species.
The fugitive managed to evade the authorities for months.
During the fugue, she lost all memory of the past week.
The country provided a safe refuge for those fleeing the war.
How to Use
A suffix meaning driving away, fleeing, or repelling.You’ll often see this suffix in compound words referring to driving away or fleeing a certain thing. For example, “centrifuge” describes a device that drives particles away from the center by spinning them rapidly, while “vermifuge” refers to a substance that expels worms from the body. Understanding this suffix helps you decode technical or specialized terms indicating the idea of pushing or forcing something away. In scientific contexts, it can appear in machinery or chemical agents designed to repel or remove unwanted substances. If you see a word ending in “-fuge,” consider what the first part references (e.g., “vermi” for worm, “centri” for center) to grasp what’s being driven off or separated.
If you prefer more common language or simpler phrasing, replace words ending in “-fuge” with expressions like “repel,” “drive away,” or “push out.” For instance, say “a worm-expelling medicine” instead of “a vermifuge,” or “a spinning device to separate substances” instead of “a centrifuge.” However, these alternatives might lose some precision. In technical or scientific settings, sticking with “-fuge” words conveys a specialized meaning succinctly.
Words ending in “-fuge” can add clarity and precision to technical or scientific writing. Whether referring to chemical agents, medical treatments, or mechanical apparatuses, “-fuge” succinctly signals the act of driving away or separating. Be sure to introduce context if the term is highly specialized. Use such words sparingly outside their relevant fields to avoid confusing a general audience. If you must use one in broader communication, offer a brief parenthetical explanation to keep your writing accessible.
Casual Conversation
In everyday conversation, you probably won’t hear many terms ending in “-fuge.” Nevertheless, familiarizing yourself with this suffix can help you grasp words like “centrifuge” if you encounter them in casual reading or discussions about science or medicine. Substitute simpler expressions (“machine that spins really fast,” “medicine that drives out parasites”) to keep the conversation flowing with friends or family. But if you want to sound precise—especially in a more academic or technical context—using “-fuge” words can convey clarity and expertise.
The suffix “-fuge” comes from the Latin “fugere” meaning “to flee” or “to drive away,” related to “fuga,” the act of flight. It has been adopted into English to describe processes, substances, or devices that forcefully expel or separate. This Latin root has remained intact through centuries, providing a robust linguistic anchor for both everyday words (like “refuge”) and more technical terms (like “centrifuge”).