[Idiom] HAVE A BLAST. - Idioms for Expressing Joy and Excitement

Have a blast.

Have a blast.

/hæv ə blæst/

Enjoy greatly.

To "Have a blast" is to experience great joy and excitement. Originally linked to the intense excitement of a literal explosion, this idiom now applies to highly enjoyable experiences, moments of fun, or thrilling events. It encapsulates the explosive outburst of joy one feels when having a great time.

Example Sentences

  1. I’m sure you’ll have a blast at the concert tonight!

    You are expected to have a great time and enjoy the concert this evening.

  2. The kids had a blast at the amusement park.

    The children really enjoyed themselves and had a lot of fun at the amusement park.

  3. Everyone had a blast during the office retreat; the team-building exercises were a hit.

    The company retreat was enjoyable for everyone, especially because the team-building activities were successful.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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