Run the risk.
to expose to danger
To 'run the risk' of something is to expose oneself to danger or a negative outcome while seeking to achieve something else. Imagine you decide to sneak out after curfew; you're 'running the risk' of getting caught. The phrase highlights the gamble involved in pursuing an action where the stakes are high and the outcomes uncertain. It is often used to weigh decisions, asking whether the potential benefits are worth the possible dangers. Whether it's in our personal lives, in business, or in an adventure, running the risk is about calculating possible losses against potential gains.
Example Sentences
By interfering, you run the risk of making it worse.
By interfering, you risk making it worse.
If you skip the meeting, you run the risk of missing important info.
If you skip the meeting, you risk missing important information.
They run the risk of failure by ignoring the guidelines.
They risk failure by ignoring the guidelines.