[Phrasal Verb] WRAP UP - Boost Your Vocabulary: Learn to Wrap Things Up!

Wrap up

Wrap up

Finish or complete something.

Wrap up" is a versatile phrasal verb often used to signify the completion of an activity or project. For example, after a long meeting, the chairperson might say, "Let's wrap up this meeting and summarize the main points." It can also mean to dress warmly, as in "Make sure you wrap up well before you go outside in the snow." Understanding this phrase can add nuance to both everyday and professional communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Let's wrap up this project.

    Let's conclude this project.

  2. She wrapped up her speech with a quote.

    She ended her speech with a quote.

  3. They wrapped up the meeting on a positive note.

    They concluded the meeting on a good note.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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