[Phrasal Verb] COOL DOWN - Stay Chill: Learn Ways to Stay Cool Under Pressure

Cool down

Cool down

/kul daʊn/

To lower the temperature or intensity.

The term 'cool down' usually refers to reducing heat or excitement. In physical activities, like after a vigorous workout, it's important to take time to 'cool down' to avoid muscle strain. Emotionally, 'cooling down' after an argument helps maintain relationships by allowing tempers to settle and rational discussion to resume.

Example Sentences

  1. I need to cool down after that intense workout.

    I need to relax and bring my body temperature back to normal after that intense workout.

  2. The fans will help the room cool down faster.

    The fans will make the room's temperature decrease quickly.

  3. After their argument, they took a walk to cool down and discuss things calmly.

    After their argument, they went for a walk to calm down and discuss things in a more relaxed manner.

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