[Phrasal Verb] GIVE BACK - Empower Your Vocabulary with Return Expressions

Give back

Give back

/ɡɪv bæk/

Return something to its original owner or place.

The virtue of returning what belongs to others is beautifully captured by 'give back'. This phrasal verb is frequently employed to discuss returning items or even giving back to the community, emphasizing a sense of responsibility and ethics. It enriches dialogue about fairness and justice, crucial for effective communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Please give back the book tomorrow.

    Please return the book tomorrow.

  2. He needs to give back what he borrowed.

    He needs to return what he borrowed.

  3. Julia felt relieved after she decided to give back the stolen items to their rightful owners.

    Julia felt relieved after she decided to return the stolen items to their rightful owners.

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