[Phrasal Verb] LOOK DOWN - Enhance Your Descriptive English Skills!

Look down

Look down

/lʊk daʊn/

Consider with disdain.

Look down on" means to consider someone or something with disdain or a sense of superiority. It’s a critical phrase when discussing social issues or personal attitudes. For example, one might say, "He tends to look down on people who haven’t been to college," indicating a prejudiced standpoint.

Example Sentences

  1. She tends to look down on people who don't share her views.

    She tends to consider herself superior to those with different opinions.

  2. It's wrong to look down on someone because of their job or status.

    It's inappropriate to deem someone inferior based on their occupation or social standing.

  3. He seemed to look down on those who weren't in his social circle.

    He looked down upon individuals outside his social status.

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