[Phrasal Verb] HOLD BACK - Learn Self-Control Techniques!

Hold back

Hold back

/həʊld bæk/

Refrain from doing or showing.

Hold back" can refer to restraining oneself from acting or expressing something. It might involve not showing one's emotions, not sharing an opinion, or not participating in an activity to avoid consequences or attention. For instance, during a heated discussion, one might need to hold back anger to keep the conversation calm.

Example Sentences

  1. She held back her tears during the sad movie.

    She controlled her tears during the sad movie.

  2. I could tell he was holding back because he didn't want to offend anyone.

    I could tell he was restraining himself because he didn't want to offend anyone.

  3. Sometimes, you need to hold back your initial reaction to think things through properly.

    Sometimes, you need to control your initial reaction to think things through properly.

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