[Phrasal Verb] DROP BY - Tips on Making Casual Visits More Enjoyable!

Drop by

Drop by

/drɒp baɪ/

Visit casually or unexpectedly

Drop by" suggests a casual or unplanned visit to a place or person. You might tell a friend, "I might drop by your house later," indicating that you could visit but it's not a definite plan. It's a casual way of saying you'll visit without making formal arrangements.

Example Sentences

  1. Can you drop by the store on your way home?

    Could you visit the store on your way home?

  2. She decided to drop by and see how I was doing.

    She chose to visit to check how I was doing.

  3. We should drop by the new café sometime this week.

    We should visit the new café sometime this week.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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