[Phrasal Verb] PUSH BACK - Mastering the Skill of Strategically Delaying Decisions

Push back

Push back

Delay or postpone.

To "push back" means to delay an event or decision or to argue against something. In business, a manager might "push back" a meeting to have more time to gather essential information, ensuring a well-informed discussion. It can also mean standing up against suggestions or plans you believe could be harmful or inappropriate, showcasing assertiveness.

Example Sentences

  1. They decided to push back the meeting to next week.

    They chose to reschedule the meeting to the following week.

  2. We need to push back the deadlines due to unforeseen delays.

    We need to extend the deadlines due to unforeseen delays.

  3. The project team agreed to push back the launch date.

    The team decided to delay the project launch date.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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