[Phrasal Verb] LAY OUT - Clarify with Style: Mastering the Art of Laying Out Information

Lay out

Lay out

Explain or display something clearly.

Picture an architect spreading out blueprints or a teacher outlining a lesson plan; both are 'laying out.' This phrasal verb paints a picture of spreading something out neatly or explaining something clearly. It's invaluable in communication, ensuring that everyone understands the full scenario. Use 'lay out' when you need to present your ideas or plans in a comprehensible, organized manner, just like setting the table before a meal.

Example Sentences

  1. He laid out the plans for the project.

    He presented the plans for the project.

  2. She laid out her picnic blanket under the big tree.

    She spread out her picnic blanket under the large tree.

  3. The architect laid out the blueprints for the new building.

    The architect presented the blueprints for the new building.

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