[Slang] CHECK THIS OUT. - Grab Attention Effectively with "Check This Out

Check this out.

Check this out.

/tʃɛk ðɪs aʊt/

Pay attention to this.

Check this out" serves as a call to direct someone's attention to something interesting or important. It's a versatile phrase used in both casual and formal contexts to highlight something noteworthy, from surprising news to innovative products. Understanding how to use this slang can enhance your ability to engage others, making them more receptive to what you have to show or tell. It's particularly effective in marketing, teaching, or simply sharing exciting developments with friends.

Example Sentences

  1. Hey, check this out, isn't it cool?

    The speaker is excitedly showing something cool they've found or have to another person.

  2. Check this out, I found an old coin in the yard.

    The speaker found something old and interesting in the yard and wants to show it to someone else.

  3. You have to check this out, it's the funniest video ever.

    The speaker is urging someone to watch a video they found extremely funny.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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