[Slang] THAT'S SWANKY. - Unveil Terms for Stylish and Luxurious Living

That's swanky.

That's swanky.

Stylish and luxurious.

That's swanky" refers to something that is stylishly luxurious and sophisticated. Picture walking into a posh, glamorously decorated room that just screams elegance — that's swanky.

Example Sentences

  1. Check out that swanky new restaurant downtown.

    Check out that fancy new restaurant downtown.

  2. She’s wearing such a swanky dress at the party.

    She’s wearing such an elegant dress at the party.

  3. That new hotel is pretty swanky, it even has a rooftop pool!

    That new hotel is quite luxurious; it even features a rooftop pool!

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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