[Slang] IT'S CHILL. - Stay Cool: Learn How to Express Calmness in English

It's chill.

It's chill.

/ɪts tʃɪl/

Calm or fine.

It's chill." is a phrase used to reassure someone that a situation is under control or to describe something that is considered cool or acceptable. This slang is handy in situations where you want to calm someone down or convey that there's no need to worry. It reflects a laid-back attitude and is often used to foster a relaxed environment.

Example Sentences

  1. Don't worry about it, it's chill.

    There's no need to worry about the situation.

  2. Yeah, no problem at all, it's chill.

    It's alright; there's no issue at all with what happened.

  3. Everything's fine, just relax, it's chill.

    Everything is under control, so there's no need to stress.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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