[Slang] HANG ON. - Understanding Patience in Slang

Hang on.

Hang on.

Wait or hold on.

Hang on" is a common phrase encouraging someone to wait or hold on. For instance, if you are on the phone and you need to ask the other person to wait for a moment, you might say, "Hang on, I need to check something." It's a casual way to politely ask for a little patience or a short pause in conversation or action.

Example Sentences

  1. Hang on, he's just sending the details now.

    Wait a moment, he's just sending the details now.

  2. Hang on a second, I need to grab my notes.

    Wait a second, I need to grab my notes.

  3. Just hang on till we get confirmation from the boss.

    Just wait until we get confirmation from the boss.

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