[Slang] DON'T HOLD BACK. - Dive Into English Slang: Understand "Don't Hold Back

Don't hold back.

Don't hold back.

/doʊnt hoʊld bæk/

Express fully, without restraint.

Don't hold back" is an expressive piece of slang urging someone to fully express themselves without restraint or reservation. It’s typically used in situations where honesty, emotion, or effort is required, encouraging the individual to give their all. Whether it’s pouring out emotions, sharing opinions, or putting in maximum effort, this phrase is a call to action to be fearless and unrestricted in one's expression or actions.

Example Sentences

  1. In the discussion, don't hold back; share your true feelings.

    The advice is to be open and express honest opinions or feelings in the discussion.

  2. Don't hold back, give it all you’ve got!

    The encouragement is to put in maximum effort and commitment to an endeavor.

  3. When you're passionate about something, don’t hold back; let everyone see your enthusiasm.

    The statement motivates one to embrace and openly express their passion or interest without reservations.

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