[Slang] THAT'S PLUSH. - Master English Slang: What Does "That's Plush" Mean?

That's plush.

That's plush.

/ðæts plʌʃ/

Luxurious or rich in quality.

Describing something as "That's plush" in slang terms means it is luxurious or of very high quality. This could refer to anything from a plush hotel room to a soft, high-end sofa. The term plush originally describes rich fabric, but as slang, it extends to denote anything that feels sumptuous and comfortable, imbuing everyday objects or experiences with a sense of luxury and exceptional comfort.

Example Sentences

  1. That new sofa you got is really plush!

    The new sofa mentioned is very luxurious and comfortable.

  2. Look at this hotel room; it's so plush!

    The hotel room being referred to is exceptionally comfortable and fancy.

  3. They went all out with the decorations, everything looks so plush.

    The decorations are extravagant and give a luxurious feel.

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