[Slang] THAT'S MINT. - Master the Cool Vibe of Using "That's Mint" in Everyday Conversation!

That's mint.

That's mint.

/ðæts mɪnt/

Excellent or perfect.

That's mint" is a British slang term that’s equivalent to "perfect" or "excellent." It’s often used to express that something is of high quality, cool, or desirable. This phrase can add a unique and colloquial flair to your language, making your expressions more vibrant and culturally nuanced. Whether you're talking about a new gadget, a car, a piece of clothing, or an experience, using "that's mint" showcases your approval and enthusiasm.

Example Sentences

  1. Look at his new bike, that's mint!

    His new bike looks really great and impressive!

  2. You got the new smartphone? That's mint, dude!

    The new smartphone you got is fantastic and impressive!

  3. I just heard his latest album, and let me tell you, that's mint – every track is amazing.

    I listened to his latest album, and every song is amazing and impressive.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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