[Slang] THAT'S SLICK. - Discover Clever Ways to Compliment in English!

That's slick.

That's slick.

/ðæts slɪk/

Impressively smooth or clever.

Describing something as "slick" in slang terms often refers to something done so smoothly and impressively that it seems effortless. It can be used to compliment a well-executed plan, a stylish outfit, or even a clever retort. The term adds a cool, contemporary feel to conversations, making it a popular choice among younger speakers especially when talking about technology, fashion, or social interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. This new app is that's slick; you should try it!

    This new app is extremely cool and efficient; you should check it out!

  2. Did you see his moves? That's slick!

    Did you see his impressive and smooth moves?

  3. She managed to finish the project under budget; that's slick!

    She completed the project under budget, which is very impressive and efficient!

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