[Slang] THAT'S DELUXE. - Learn How to Express Exceptional Quality in English

That's deluxe.

That's deluxe.

High quality.

That's deluxe" is used to describe something that is luxurious or of very high quality. Think of a top-tier product or service that offers more features or superior performance than standard options.

Example Sentences

  1. That's deluxe! You went all out on this renovation.

    That's extraordinary! You really went above and beyond with this renovation.

  2. Look at this meal; that's deluxe service!

    Look at this meal; the service is top-notch!

  3. This suite is truly deluxe, I mean, just look at that view!

    This suite is extremely luxurious, just look at that view!

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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