[Slang] THAT'S TIGHT-KNIT. - Discover How to Describe Strong Bonds in English

That's tight-knit.

That's tight-knit.

Close relationship.

That's tight-knit" refers to a group of people who are closely connected or bonded. Imagine a sweater so well-knit that you can't see any gaps between the yarns; that's how close the relationships within a tight-knit group are — very cohesive and strong.

Example Sentences

  1. Their family is really tight-knit; they support each other no matter what.

    Their family is very close and supportive.

  2. This community is so tight-knit, everyone knows each other.

    This community is so close-knit that everyone is familiar with each other.

  3. A tight-knit team like ours is the key to successful projects.

    Having a close-knit team is essential for successful projects.

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