[Slang] THAT'S OVERKILL. - Recognize Excess with Useful Slang

That's overkill.

That's overkill.

That's too much.

That's overkill" is what you say when something is more than necessary. It’s like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Whether it’s too many decorations on a cake or an overwhelming amount of details in a story, "that’s overkill" helps pinpoint what’s excessive.

Example Sentences

  1. Isn't that a bit much? That's overkill!

    Isn't that a bit too much? That's excessive!

  2. Twenty balloons for one person? That's overkill!

    Twenty balloons for one person? That's too much!

  3. The security measures they took for such a small event definitely felt like overkill.

    The security measures they took for such a small event definitely felt like an overreaction.

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