[Slang] HAVE A GO. - Improve Your English Skills by Learning to Encourage Participation

Have a go.

Have a go.

/hæv ə ɡoʊ/

Means to try doing something.

Encouraging someone to "have a go" means inviting them to try something, whether it’s a game, a task, or an experience. This phrase promotes participation and experimentation, making it ideal for educational settings, workshops, or sports. It’s an inclusive way to encourage others to step out of their comfort zones and engage with the world around them.

Example Sentences

  1. Come on, have a go at the game.

    Encouraging someone to try playing the game.

  2. Let me have a go; I think I can fix it.

    Asking for a chance to attempt fixing something.

  3. Why don't you have a go at solving this puzzle? It's really fun!

    Suggesting they try solving a fun puzzle.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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