[Slang] THAT'S ON THE MARK. - Spot-On Slang for Accuracy

That's on the mark.

That's on the mark.

Accurate or correct.

That's on the mark" is a phrase you use to describe something that is accurate or correct. Imagine answering a tricky question perfectly, and your friend nods approvingly and says, "That's on the mark." This slang celebrates precision and correctness in various situations, whether it's an answer, a comment, or even a performance.

Example Sentences

  1. That's on the mark, exactly what we needed for the project.

    That's exactly what we needed for the project.

  2. You got the answer right; that's on the mark!

    You got the answer right; it's spot on!

  3. His feedback was on the mark, pointing out issues we hadn't even noticed.

    His feedback was spot on, pointing out issues we hadn't even noticed.

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