[Speech] LITTLE STROKES FELL GREAT OAKS. - Benjamin Franklin’s Proverb on Persistence

Little strokes fell great oaks.

Little strokes fell great oaks.

The cumulative power of small efforts

Benjamin Franklin conveyed the value of consistent, small efforts in achieving significant results with the saying, "Little strokes fell great oaks." This proverb from "Poor Richard’s Almanack" illustrates the importance of perseverance and steady diligence in overcoming large obstacles. Franklin’s writings often included witty proverbs that encapsulated practical and universal truths, encouraging common-sense approaches to everyday challenges. This particular adage has been used to motivate continuous effort in various contexts, from personal development to business and environmental conservation.


  1. Benjamin Franklin

  2. Founding Father and Inventor

  3. From "Poor Richard’s Almanack," 1736

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