[Speech] I CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED. - Julius Caesar's Famous Victory Proclamation

I came, I saw, I conquered.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Declaration of swift victory

Julius Caesar's succinct phrase "I came, I saw, I conquered" epitomizes the ultimate quick victory. Delivered in a message to the Roman Senate, this declaration marked his swift and decisive triumph over Pharnaces II at the Battle of Zela. The simplicity of the statement underscores the efficiency of his campaign and his prowess as a military leader. This statement not only solidified Caesar's reputation as a formidable commander but also has endured as a symbol of quick, decisive victory and effective leadership. It has been referenced culturally and historically in numerous contexts to denote or joke about speedy success.


  1. Julius Caesar

  2. Roman General and Dictator

  3. Return to Rome after conquering Pharnaces II of Pontus, 47 BC

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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