The Voice - Thomas Hardy
声音 - 托马斯·哈代
The Voice - Thomas Hardy
声音 - 托马斯·哈代
《声音》(The Voice) 是英国诗人托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)创作的一首抒情诗,出自他1914年的诗集《时间的笑柄》(Satires of Circumstance)。这首诗是哈代为悼念他已故的妻子艾玛·吉福德(Emma Gifford)而作。艾玛在1912年去世后,哈代对她的记忆和情感深深影响了他的创作。这首诗表达了他对亡妻的深切怀念以及对过去美好时光的追忆。
Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me,
Saying that now you are not as you were
When you had changed from the one who was all to me,
But as at first, when our day was fair.
Can it be you that I hear? Let me view you, then,
Standing as when I drew near to the town
Where you would wait for me: yes, as I knew you then,
Even to the original air-blue gown!
Or is it only the breeze, in its listlessness
Travelling across the wet mead to me here,
You being ever dissolved to wan wistlessness,
Heard no more again far or near?
Thus I; faltering forward,
Leaves around me falling,
Wind oozing thin through the thorn from norward,
And the woman calling.
1. 语言简洁而富有感染力: 哈代善于使用平实的语言表达复杂的情感。例如,“woman much missed”短短几个词便勾勒出主人公对亡妻的深厚感情。
2. 自然意象的巧妙运用: 诗中多次出现自然元素,如风、落叶、草地等,这些意象不仅渲染了气氛,还成为主人公内心情感的外化。
3. 现实与幻想的交织: 全诗在回忆与现实中不断切换,既展现了主人公对过去的眷恋,也凸显了他对现实的无奈。
《声音》 是一首感人至深的悼亡诗,它通过细腻的描写和真挚的情感,刻画了一个因失去爱人而陷入痛苦与迷茫的人。哈代凭借其高超的艺术手法,成功地将个人经历转化为具有普遍意义的作品,使读者能够从中感受到人类共同的情感体验——对逝去之物的怀念以及对生命无常的感慨。