Give it your best shot.
Give it your best shot.
在英語中,「Give it your best shot」意味著盡你所能地去嘗試或完成某事。這成語鼓勵人們在面對挑戰時,要全力以赴,不留遺憾。就像一個籃球員在賽場最後壓哨前投出的關鍵一球,不保留任何力量,全力射門。在生活和工作中,當你遇到似乎難以克服的任務時,試著「Give it your best shot」,無論結果如何,至少你知道自己已經盡了最大努力。這個成語常用於鼓勵他人或提醒自己,在任何嘗試中都不應該有所保留,應該全力投入,盡力而為。
Just give it your best shot in the interview.
I know it's a tough competition, but give it your best shot and you might just win.
Even though the challenge was daunting, she decided to give it her best shot and was surprised at how well she performed.