Fly by the seat of your pants.
Fly by the seat of your pants.
「依靠直覺行事」(Fly by the seat of your pants) 這個短語源自早期飛行員在沒有高級儀器輔助的情況下,必須依靠感覺和經驗來駕駛飛機。在現代,這短語被廣泛用來形容在沒有明確計畫或是準備不足的情況下,依靠直覌和經驗來處理事情。這種做法常見於需要快速反應的情況,比如突發公關危機或是臨時的項目挑戰。當我們說某人「依靠直覺行事」時,通常意味著他們能夠在壓力之下表現出色,靈活應對各種棘手情況。雖然這種風格有其風險,但也展示了人們解汑問題的能力和適應不預期變化的靈活性。
He had no plan and decided to fly by the seat of his pants.
They had to fly by the seat of their pants when the script changed.
Without a clear strategy, they flew by the seat of their pants.