Lenore - Edgar Allan Poe
莉諾兒 - 愛倫·坡
Lenore - Edgar Allan Poe
莉諾兒 - 愛倫·坡
《Lenore》是美國著名詩人愛倫·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)於1843年發表的一首抒情詩。這首詩以死亡、哀悼和靈魂的昇華為主題,表達了對一位年輕女子麗諾爾(Lenore)的逝世所帶來的情感衝擊與反思。整首詩透過主角蓋伊·德·維爾(Guy De Vere)的視角,描繪出他對逝者的深切悲痛以及對世俗虛偽的強烈譴責。
Ah, broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll!—a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river;
And, Guy De Vere, hast thou no tear?—weep now or never more!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, Lenore!
Come! let the burial rite be read—the funeral song be sung!—
An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young—
A dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young.
此段開篇便以象徵手法展開,"golden bowl"破碎代表生命的終結,而靈魂則隨之飛向冥河(Stygian river),暗示麗諾爾已進入死後世界。詩中呼喚蓋伊·德·維爾流淚,因為這是告別摯愛最後的機會。這裡提到麗諾爾“doubly dead”,不僅指她肉體上的死亡,更暗喻她的青春與純真因早逝而被剝奪。
“Wretches! ye loved her for her wealth and hated her for her pride,
And when she fell in feeble health, ye blessed her—that she died!
How shall the ritual, then, be read?—the requiem how be sung
By you—by yours, the evil eye,—by yours, the slanderous tongue
That did to death the innocence that died, and died so young?”
Peccavimus; but rave not thus! and let a Sabbath song
Go up to God so solemnly the dead may feel no wrong!
The sweet Lenore hath “gone before,” with Hope, that flew beside,
Leaving thee wild for the dear child that should have been thy bride—
For her, the fair and debonair, that now so lowly lies,
The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes—
The life still there, upon her hair—the death upon her eyes.
“Avaunt! to-night my heart is light. No dirge will I upraise,
But waft the angel on her flight with a Pæan of old days!
Let no bell toll!—lest her sweet soul, amid its hallowed mirth,
Should catch the note, as it doth float up from the damned Earth.
To friends above, from fiends below, the indignant ghost is riven—
From Hell unto a high estate far up within the Heaven—
From grief and groan, to a golden throne, beside the King of Heaven.”