[Idiom] GET THE SHORT END OF THE STICK. - Understanding Unfair Treatment in Common Phrases

Get the short end of the stick.

Get the short end of the stick.

to be treated unfairly

Have you ever felt unfairly treated or ended up with a worse deal than others? That's exactly what the idiom 'Get the short end of the stick' encapsulates. Historically, this phrase likely stems from situations where a stick or staff, broken into pieces of unequal length, was used to make decisions or distribute tasks. The person receiving the shorter piece ended up with the less favorable outcome. In contemporary usage, it relates to receiving less than what is deserved in situations ranging from work responsibilities to social advantages, reflecting an imbalance in fairness or resources.

Example Sentences

  1. I got the short end of the stick in the deal.

    I got a bad deal and ended up with the worst outcome.

  2. She felt like she got the short end of the stick after the assignment swap.

    She felt she was treated unfairly after the projects were reassigned.

  3. When it comes to chores, he always seems to get the short end of the stick.

    He always seems to end up with the most difficult or least desirable tasks.

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