[Idiom] PUT FOOT DOWN. - Master the Art of Saying No Effectively!

Put foot down.

Put foot down.

/pʊt fʊt daʊn/

Assert authority to stop something.

Put foot down" refers to taking a firm, decisive action to stop something from happening. It evokes the image of physically stamping one’s foot to signify non-negotiable boundaries. This idiom is particularly useful in leadership and parenting, where clarity and authority are necessary to maintain order or direct actions. Learning to use this phrase can enhance your ability to command respect and assert boundaries clearly.

Example Sentences

  1. He had to put his foot down regarding the decision.

    He insisted firmly on making a particular decision.

  2. She put her foot down and refused to go.

    She strongly refused to go, making her position clear.

  3. When it came to budget cuts, the manager put his foot down and protected our department.

    The manager firmly opposed the budget cuts to safeguard the department.

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