[Idiom] RUN OF THE MILL. - Stand Out from the Crowd: Embrace Uniqueness

Run of the mill.

Run of the mill.

/rʌn ʌv ðə mɪl/

Average, ordinary.

Run of the mill" describes something that is ordinary, average, or just like everything else. It traces back to the early milling industry where the term was used to denote products that were standard output, neither better nor worse than what was commonly expected. Today, it’s used to describe anything that lacks any distinguishing features, suggesting that to avoid being "run of the mill," one should strive to be unique or exceptional in some way.

Example Sentences

  1. I expected something spectacular, but the movie was just run of the mill.

    I expected something spectacular, but the movie was very average.

  2. All the proposals we've seen so far are pretty run of the mill.

    All the proposals we've seen so far are quite ordinary.

  3. Despite its high ratings, most viewers found the TV show to be run of the mill and unoriginal.

    Despite high ratings, most viewers found the TV show to be ordinary.

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