[Idiom] IT'S A SMALL WORLD. - Explore Connections: Unravel Mysteries with Idioms

It's a small world.

It's a small world.

Unexpected encounters with familiar people.

It's a small world" is exclaimed when unexpected encounters with familiar faces occur in surprising locations. This idiom points to the surprising and often coincidental connections we find in a large world, making it feel smaller and more intertwined than we might otherwise think.

Example Sentences

  1. It's a small world after all.

    It’s amazing how connected people are, even in large places.

  2. I bumped into an old friend in Paris, it's a small world!

    Bumping into an old friend in Paris highlighted how connected the world can be.

  3. Imagine meeting my cousin there - it really is a small world.

    Meeting a cousin by chance demonstrated how unexpectedly connected everyone is.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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