[Idiom] AT WIT'S END. - Learn How to Express Extreme Exasperation

At wit's end.

At wit's end.

/ˈæt ˈwɪts ˌɛnd/

Extremely worried, upset, or confused.

At wit's end" is the expression used when someone is at the limit of their mental resources and cannot deal with a situation any longer. It often describes extreme distress or confusion, painting a picture of one having exhausted all their ideas or solutions, such as a parent dealing with a perpetually troublesome child.

Example Sentences

  1. She was at wit's end trying to solve the problem.

    She felt completely frustrated and exhausted from trying to find a solution.

  2. After hours of failure, he was at wit's end.

    His continuous failures left him extremely stressed and desperate for a solution.

  3. I'm at wit's end trying to juggle work and family life.

    The struggle of managing both professional duties and family life had her completely overwhelmed.

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