You hit the nail on the head.
to do or say something exactly right
When someone says 'you hit the nail on the head,' they mean you've done or said something perfectly correct, or pinpointed an issue exactly right. This idiom comes from the image of hammering a nail directly on its head with a single, precise strike, instead of hitting it at an angle or missing it altogether. It's especially used when someone accurately addresses the root cause of a problem or provides an exact answer to a question. For example, if someone correctly guesses why you’ve been feeling upset after a brief description of your mood, you might respond with, 'You hit the nail on the head!'
Example Sentences
When you said the project would take a month, you hit the nail on the head.
Your estimate that the project would take a month was exactly correct.
Her analysis of the situation hit the nail on the head; we needed more resources.
Her analysis was spot on; we indeed needed more resources.
By pointing out the key issue during the meeting, you really hit the nail on the head.
By identifying the key issue during the meeting, you were exactly right.