[Idiom] SELL SHORT. - Phrases to Describe Underestimation and Doubt

Sell short.

Sell short.

/sɛl ʃɔrt/


To "sell someone or something short" means to underestimate their true value or potential. It's like selling stock for less than it's worth, suggesting skepticism or lack of faith in someone's abilities or the success of an endeavor.

Example Sentences

  1. Don’t sell yourself short; you have great potential.

    Encouragement not to underestimate one's capabilities or potential.

  2. Many believe that the movie was sold short by poor marketing.

    The film did not receive the expected level of success due to inadequate promotional efforts.

  3. She often sells herself short by not acknowledging her accomplishments.

    She does not fully recognize or claim her successes, thus undervaluing herself.

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