[Phrasal Verb] SHUT UP - Dive Deep into the Nuances of English Conversation Starters!

Shut up

Shut up

Be silent

Commonly used in a casual and often abrupt manner, "shut up" means to stop talking or to be quiet. This phrase is generally considered rude, especially if commanded directly: "He yelled at the noise outside, ‘Shut up!’" Despite its rudeness, it is widely understood and frequently used in everyday language.

Example Sentences

  1. He told her to shut up during the argument.

    He instructed her to be quiet during their argument.

  2. She yelled at them to shut up and listen.

    She screamed at them to stop talking and pay attention.

  3. The teacher told the class to shut up and pay attention.

    The teacher commanded the class to be silent and focus.

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