[Phrasal Verb] GROW UP - Explore How to Talk About Growth and Maturity in English!

Grow up

Grow up

/ɡroʊ ʌp/

To mature or develop.

From children growing into adults to individuals developing maturity, "grow up" encompasses all aspects of maturation. Telling a story about someone's development, you might use, "He grew up to be a fine gentleman." It also serves as advice for maturity, often used colloquially in reprimands: "You need to grow up and take responsibility." This phrasal verb not only traces physical growth but also personal and emotional development, making it a pivotal phrase in the narratives of life.

Example Sentences

  1. When are you going to grow up and take responsibility?

    When are you going to mature and take responsibility?

  2. He needs to grow up and stop playing video games all day.

    He needs to mature and stop playing video games all day.

  3. She really grew up fast after starting college.

    She really matured fast after starting college.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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