[Phrasal Verb] BACK DOWN - Discover How to Stand Your Ground

Back down

Back down

/bæk daʊn/

Withdraw from a position or standpoint.

To "back down" means to concede or give up a position in an argument or a competition. For example, if someone is engaged in a heated debate but decides to accept the other person's point of view, they are backing down.

Example Sentences

  1. He refused to back down from his original position.

    He maintained his stance and did not change his opinion despite opposition.

  2. The company backed down after a wave of customer complaints.

    Following numerous complaints from customers, the company chose to retract their position or decision.

  3. Despite the pressure from his peers, Jason didn't back down and continued to support his controversial idea.

    Facing social pressure, Jason continued to uphold his stance on a contentious subject without yielding.

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