[Phrasal Verb] BLOW UP - Understanding Explosive Situations and Reactions

Blow up

Blow up

/bləʊ ʌp/

Explode or destroy by exploding.

Blow up" refers to something that is made to explode or has exploded, such as a balloon or a bomb. It can also be used figuratively to describe a situation where someone becomes very angry very quickly, as in a sudden and intense emotional outburst.

Example Sentences

  1. The balloon will blow up if we add too much air.

    If overinflated, the balloon is at risk of bursting.

  2. She blew up at him after discovering the truth.

    She lost her temper and confronted him passionately after learning the truth.

  3. The small argument blew up into a huge fight by the end of the night.

    A minor disagreement intensified into a significant argument as the evening progressed.

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