[Phrasal Verb] HANG BACK - Overcoming Hesitation and Boosting Confidence

Hang back

Hang back

hesitate to act

The expression 'hang back' is used to describe a situation where someone hesitates to act or is reluctant to move forward. Often, it's due to fear, uncertainty, or lack of confidence. For example, in a group setting, if someone hangs back, they might be feeling unsure about participating or speaking up. It's a common phrasal verb that reflects cautious or reserved behavior, which can be crucial in understanding social dynamics and personal decision-making processes.

Example Sentences

  1. She tends to hang back in social situations.

    She tends to stay back in social situations.

  2. Instead of joining the crowd, he decided to hang back and observe.

    Instead of joining the crowd, he decided to stay back and observe.

  3. While others rushed forward, she chose to hang back and think things through.

    While others rushed forward, she chose to stay back and think things through.

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